Grupo Español del Carbon - GEC
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The data collected on this form will be incorporated into an automated file responsibility and ownership of Grupo Español del Carbon, in order to send you information about the services requested and received appropriate treatment according to the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data.

You can amend or cancel your data by writing from the account that marked the register to "" (Reference Personal Data).


protector & associated
partners   entities
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexed by
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SOCIAL HEADQUARTERS: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • Spain •