Travelling to Oviedo

Oviedo is located in the North of Spain in the so called “Green Spain” The nearest airport is 45 km away from Oviedo. There are direct flights from some European cities such as London, Paris, Düsseldorf, Roma, Brussels… (www.aena.es) and frequent daily flights via Madrid and Barcelona

Transport from airport to hotels or places of residence can be made by Bus (to Oviedo hourly 9 €) + roughly 6 € taxi from the Bus station to any hotels down town. Cost of Taxi from the airport to Oviedo is around 60€ the working days and 70€ in the weekend.

A high-speed train is connecting Madrid, Valladolid, Leon and Oviedo. It might be possible to get cheap flights to any of these places and then connection by train (www.renfe.com).


The Venue of the Meeting is located in Oviedo downtown at walking distance from many hotels and the commercial and historical city centre. The Building is the location of the Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo and the Institutional Delegation of CSIC in Asturias (C/ Quintana, 32, 33009 Oviedo).

The Ice-Break party will take place in the Gran Hotel España (C/ Jovellanos 2, 33003 Oviedo)

To view the draft schecule of the event click on this link: draft schedule.

The location of the Venue and some of the closest hotels to the venue can be found in the following map.


The participants shall arrange their own accommodation in Oviedo. There are plenty of opportunities within walking distance to the Venue in downtown. However, the Organizing Committee has made special arrangements with the following Hotels:

Gran Hotel España (4 stars)
Single: ~65.97€ (www.granhotelespana.es)
For booking email to recepcion@granhotelespana.es indicating the code ICCP24

Hotel Fruela (3 stars)
Single: ~84.90€ / Double: ~97.80€ (www.hotelfruela.com)

Hotel Spa Princesa Munia (4 stars)
Single: ~96.90€ / Double: ~111.80€ (www.hotelprincesamunia.com)

Please use the code ICCP24 for booking

The location of the Venue and some of the closest hotels to the venue can be found in the following map.

Visa Support

Participants requiring visas must initiate the application process many months in advance of their departure date. For details that apply specifically to your country, please visit the website of the Spanish Ministry of Inner Affairs or the Embassy/consular services in your country.

If you need a personal letter of invitation to attend the 75th ICCP Meeting, please provide your personal details and complete postal address and email to iccp24.oviedo@incar.csic.es

Note: The Organizing Committee cannot intervene in the visa application process on your behalf at any Spanish Embassy or Consulate office abroad.

Oviedo - Asturias - Spain