
Congress Registration

Complete out the registration process you must download the registration form from this link, fill it out correctly, checking all the relevant options and then send it to us said form along with proof of payment to the email: iccp24.oviedo@incar.csic.es
(after 15th of June 2024)

Late Registration

ICCP Members

450 euros


500 euros


250 euros

Accompanying person

150 euros


90 euros

Symposium Only (1 day)


200 euros


60 euros

Please Note

Registration fee includes: Ice-breaker party, Participation in All Sessions and Symposium, coffee breaks and lunches, Mid-Conference Excursion to Mount Naranco UNESCO Heritage Sites (transport by bus and tickets), Conference Dinner, Book of Abstracts and Special 75th Commemorative Book.

Registration fee for the Symposium on 27th of September only, includes: Participation, coffee breaks, one lunch, Book of Abstracts.

Registration fee of accompanying persons includes: participation in Ice-breaker party, coffee breaks and lunches during the week at the venue, Mid-Conference Excursion to Mount Naranco UNESCO Heritage Sites (transport by bus and tickets) and Conference Dinner.

One-day Field Trip to Cantabrian Mountains. The fee includes field guide, transport by bus, and lunch. Minimum number of participants for the field trip: 30 persons.

Please contact the Organizing Committee for further details (iccp24.oviedo@incar.csic.es).