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Boletín número 25 - Septiembre 2012


Carbon materials for an efficient use of energy by electrochemical devices

pp. 2-6

M.J. Lázaro, I. Suelves, R. Moliner

ABSTRACT: The efficient use of energy, in particular electricity, requires devices allowing its storage and subsequent conversion into work with a high yield. Electrochemical devices are very effective since the absence of mechanical moving parts reduces irreversibility and provides high efficient conversions. The efficiency of the device depends on the performance of the electrodes, which depends on the properties of the materials that compose them. Because most of the electrodes are made from carbons, this field of research has experienced a tremendous growth in recent years, in particular for three devices: Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Lithium Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors. This article presents the latest research trends in this field taking as a reference the papers presented at the Carbon 2012 Conference recently held in Krakow.


Hydrothermal carbonization: a greener route towards the synthesis of advanced carbon materials

pp. 7-17

M. Sevilla, M. M. Titirici

ABSTRACT: hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) technology, a “green” and versatile strategy for the synthesis of advanced carbon materials suitable for a wide variety of applications of high impact in the current society. We will focus on the carbon formation mechanism, chemical and structural properties of hydrothermal carbons, porosity development, nanostructuring, functionalisation and applications.


Electronic inhomogeneities in grapheme: the role of the substrate interaction and chemical doping

pp. 18-22

A. Castellanos-Gomez, Arramel, M. Wojtaszek, R.H.M. Smit1, N. Tombros, N. Agraït, B.J. van Wees, G Rubio-Bollinger

ABSTRACT: We probe the local inhomogeneities of the electronic properties of graphene at the nanoscale using scanning probe microscopy techniques. First, we focus on the study of the electronic inhomogeneities caused by the graphene-substrate interaction in graphene samples exfoliated on silicon oxide. We find that charged impurities, present in the graphenesubstrate interface, perturb the carrier density significantly and alter the electronic properties of graphene. This finding helps to understand the observed device-to-device variation typically observed in graphene-based electronic devices. Second, we probe the effect of chemical modification in the electronic properties of graphene, grown by chemical vapour deposition on nickel. We find that both the chemisorption of hydrogen and the physisorption of porphyrin molecules strongly depress the conductance at low bias indicating the opening of a bandgap in graphene, paving the way towards the chemical engineering of the electronic properties of graphene.


Objetivos y características de la química computacional y su aplicación al estudio de los materiales de carbono

pp. 23-28

D. Suárez

ABSTRACT: El objetivo principal de la Química Computacional (QC) es predecir todo tipo de propiedades moleculares de sistemas químicos. Adicionalmente, la QC ofrece información útil para racionalizar o interpretar tendencias y enunciar relaciones de estructura-actividad. Para ello, la QC emplea una amplia gama de técnicas teóricas en constante desarrollo y mejora. La naturaleza del modelo molecular de interés y la del problema o propiedad a estudiar condicionan la selección del método(s) a utilizar. Muchas de las herramientas de la QC pueden ser aplicadas por todo tipo de científicos, no sólo por especialistas. Es necesario un conocimiento básico de los fundamentos de los métodos teóricos, capacidad de análisis crítico de los resultados, cierta habilidad en el manejo del software y acceso a recursos de hardware optimizados para cálculo de altas prestaciones. La caracterización de los nuevos materiales de carbono (nanotubos, grafenos, etc.) ha venido haciendo un uso intensivo de la QC. Pero la aplicación de la QC es igualmente interesante para comprender las bases moleculares del comportamiento de todo tipo de materiales de carbono.


Peter A. Thrower. A Tribute to a half-century of dedication to carbon materialas.

Francisco Rodriguez Reinoso. A significant role to advance the quality of Carbon Journal

pp. 29-30

H. Marsh


Sustainable biomass-derived hydrothermal carbons for energy applications

pp. 31-32

C. Falco

ABSTRACT: the hydrothermal carbonisation of carbohydrate and protein-rich biomass was systematically investigated, in order to obtain more insights on the potentials of this thermochemical processing technique in relation to the production of functional carbon materials from crude biomass.


Nanoestructured carbohydrate-derived carbonaceous materials

pp. 33-34

S. Kubo

ABSTRACT: This work focuses on the development of fabrication routes to hydrothermal carbonisation materials which present enhanced textural properties and well defined porosity.


Sustainable approaches towards novel nitrogen-doped carbonaceous structures

pp. 35-36

L. Zhao

ABSTRACT: This work will focus on novel carbonaceous materials which were produced in a sustainable fashion, using cheap starting precursors and uncomplicated synthetic approaches.

socios y entidades
protectores   asociadas
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexado por
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SEDE SOCIAL: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • España •