Grupo Español del Carbon - GEC
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Boletín número 32 - Junio 2014

Ni-MoS2 supported on carbon nanofibers as catalysts for the hydroprocessing of heavy oil fractions
Catalizadores basados en Ni-MoS2 soportados en nanofribas de carbono para el hidroprocesado de fracciones pesadas de petróleo

pp. 3-8

J.L. Pinilla, H. Purón, D. Torres, M. Millan, I. Suelves

ABSTRACT: In this work, fishbone carbon nanofibers (CNF) were functionalised in acidic media obtaining CNF with different surface chemistry, and subsequently used as support for NiMo catalysts. Resulting catalysts were composed by CNF coaxially coated by Ni-decorated MoS2 slabs with different length and stacking degree as a function of the functionalisation treatment...


Nanostructured carbon–TiO2 photocatalysts for water purification: an overview
Fotocatalizadores carbón-TiO2 para purificación de aguas: revisión

pp. 9-14

S. Morales-Torres and L. M. Pastrana-Martínez

ABSTRACT: The outstanding properties of graphene and graphene based materials have stimulated the interest in the design of high-performance photocatalysts that might be integrated in diverse applications as water/wastewater treatment...


Process intensification by combination of activated carbon supported catalysts and alternative energy sources
Intensificación de procesos combinando catalizadores de carbón activado soportados y fuentes de energía alternativas

pp. 15-18

V. Calvino-Casilda and E. Pérez-Mayoral

ABSTRACT: Activated carbons are well known for their catalytic properties and for being used as a catalyst support in heterogeneous catalysis. Activated carbons possess most of the desired properties of a catalyst support; inertness towards unwanted reactions, stability under regeneration and reaction conditions, suitable mechanical properties, tunable surface area, porosity, and the possibility of being manufactured in different size and shape...


Methane storage in porous solids: From Activated Carbons to Metal Organic Frameworks
Almacenamiento de metano en sólidos porosos: de Carbones Activados a MOFs

pp. 19-25

E. V. Ramos-Fernández

ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the most promising Metal Organic frameworks for storing natural gas. I discuss the features that make these materials promising for the application. Furthermore, it also indicates how these materials are evaluated and what requirements need to fulfil for being finally applied.


RESEÑA. XII Reunión del Grupo Español del Carbón. Madrid, 20 a 23 de Octubre de 2013

pp. 26-27

Francisco Heras y Juan J. Rodriguez

Como muchos de vosotros sabéis, del 20 al 23 del pasado mes de Octubre de 2013, tuvo lugar la XII Reunión del Grupo Español del Carbón. Esta edición estuvo organizada por la Sección de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Escuela de Ingenieros de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, cuyo magnífico edificio histórico sirvió de sede para la Reunión...

socios y entidades
protectores   asociadas
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexado por
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SEDE SOCIAL: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • España •