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Boletín número 60 - Junio 2021
Editorial: Carbon-based research advances featuring young Spanish talents
pp. 1
José Miguel González
Aún recuerdo con total claridad cuándo fue la primera vez que oí hablar de los nanomateriales de carbono. Fue en el verano de 2006, cuando yo me encontraba a punto de empezar mi último curso universitario, y como premio a una trayectoria académica sin fisuras...
Arquitecturas de Nanotubos de Carbono 3D: de la Micro- a la Macro-escala
pp. 2
Miriam Barrejón
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are currently on the cutting edge of nanotechnology and material science and their applications in our daily life have gradually increased in the past years in various fields, such as life science, energy storage, biomedical, and environmental applications. In the past decades, great achievements have been made in the development of long fibres or 2D CNT films with promising properties for commercial applications...
Nanotecnología emergente del carbono. Avances y reflexiones desde una perspectiva joven
pp. 8-19
Miguel Á. Álvarez-Sánchez, Víctor Calvo, Clara Carrera, Eduardo Colom, Lucas Güemes, Carlos Martínez-Barón, José M. González-Domínguez
The carbon element is probably the most versatile in the periodic table, giving rise (amongst other) to a diversity of high-performance materials, thereby posing one of the most studied venues towards nanoscience and nanotechnology...
Grafeno para biosensores implantables
pp. 20-26
Cecilia Wetzl, Mariano Vera-Hidalgo, Alejandro Criado
In this review, we will provide a comprehensive insight on the current research situations and future challenges for the graphene-based implantable biosensors. We introduce the use of graphene derivatives for in vivo sensing implants, discussing their synthesis...
Estructuras 3D basadas en materiales de carbono y polímeros conductores para cultivos de células electroresponsivas
pp. 27-29
Antonio Domínguez-Alfaro
The next generation of therapies for cancer or neural diseases require the development of structures that mimic cellular scenarios ruled by interconnectivity, three-dimensionality, porosity, stiffness, biocompatibility and, in the case of electroactive cells: conductivity....
El papel de la captura, almacenamiento y usos de CO2 en el camino hacia cero emisiones netas de gases de efecto invernadero: ¿podemos acelerar la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono?
pp. 30-33
Susana García
The world is currently facing unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, where we are heading for a steep recession triggered by the outbreak and expected to be worse than the 2008 financial crisis. After this crisis, the time will come to rebuild our social and economic systems and we have there the opportunity to restart growth in a greener era...
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