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 Existen 74 boletines.

Boletín número 50 - Diciembre 2018


pp. 1

María Jesús Lázaro

I would like to thank the members of the Spanish Coal Group for their excellent work at the CARBON 2018. The work of all the members of the Executive Committee, Local Organizing Committee and members of the Scientific Committees has made possible the success of our conference...

Electrochemical Applications of Carbon Materials: a recent perspective from The World Conference on Carbons 2018

pp. 2-5

Raúl Berenger, Emilia Morallón

This article analyzes the contributions on the Electrochemical Applications Topic presented in the last World Conference on Carbon 2018. The subject and relative proportion of these contributions are proposed to be an objective indicator of worldwide current research activity in the field...

Catalytic applications of Carbons, main issues discussed during The World Conference on Carbon 2018

pp. 6

M. Olga Gerrero-Pérez

Carbon Materials found many interesting applications in catalysis and subsequently there were many papers that were discussed in this topic during the Carbon 2018 conference, including 4 keynotes, 27 oral and 38 poster presentations, a total of 69 papers...

Graphene and Graphite main discussions during The World Conference on Carbon 2018

pp. 7

Isabel Suelves

The communications included in this topic dealt with aspects related to the preparation, modification, characterization and properties of both graphene and graphite, but also included works about some applications of these materials in different fields like, conversion and storage of energy, catalysis, medicine or biology, among others....

Carbon 2018, Topic 9: Gas separation and storage
Materiales de carbón para la separación y almacenamiento de gases

pp. 8

Fabián Suárez García

En el Topic 9 se agruparon aquellos trabajos sobre la utilización de distintos materiales de carbono para la separación y el almacenamiento de gases. A pesar de que en esta temática se agrupan algunas de las aplicaciones más relevantes para los materiales carbonosos porosos y que están siendo objeto de una intensa investigación...

Carbon for health, medical and biological applications
Reseña de los trabajos presentados en Carbon 2018, Topic 10

pp. 8

Clara Blanco Rodríguez, José Rodríguez Mirasol

El topic 10 contó con un total de 40 contribuciones, de muy diversas nacionalidades de Asia, Europa y América, y de gran interés y relevancia científica en el campo de la síntesis y el desarrollo de diferentes materiales de carbono, como carbones activados, nanofibras y nanotubos, materiales compuestos, fulerenos, grafenos y sus derivados y "carbon nanodots"...

Carbon 2018, Topic 2: Advanced Carbon Materials
Resumen de los trabajos presentados durante Carbon 2018

pp. 9

Marcos J. Granda Ferreira, Francisco Javier Narciso Romero, Ignacio Martín Gullón

Topic_02, Advanced Carbon Materials, compiled all those communications received within the topic of nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanofibers, etc.), fullerenes, carbon fibers or carbon composite materials, among others. 148 contributions were presented from Monday to Thursday: 8 keynotes, 56 oral communications and 84 in the form of poster...

Thermo-Chemical Conversion Process, papers on The World Conference on Carbon 2018

pp. 9

Francisco Carrasco

The communications included in this topic dealt with all the thermo-chemical conversion processes (combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, torrefaction) for converting carbon-containing fuels into another more valuable products including carbon materials, fuel gas and chemicals...

Aplicaciones Medioambientales de los materiales de carbono, resumen de los trabajo presentados durante el World Conference on Carbon 2018

pp. 10

Tomás Cordero

El Topic 8 del congreso trató sobre las aplicaciones medioambientales de los materiales de carbono. Entre los temas tratados destacaban aquellos dedicados a la adsorci�n en fase gas y acuosa, la oxidaci�n h�meda de contaminantes, la fotocat�lisis y la preparaci�n de materiales carbonosos mediante procesos y materias primas sostenibles...

Award Ceremony at Carbon 2018

pp. 10-11

M. Victoria Martínez Huerta

During Award Ceremony at The Word Conference on Carbon 2018, a series of awards to researchers, who have contributed significantly to the scientific and technological advances in carbon in recent years, were presented...

Student Prize: Nitrogen doped activated carbons as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction

pp. 12-13

María José Mostazo-López, Ramiro Ruiz-Rosas, David Salinas-Torres, Emilia Morallón, Diego Cazorla-Amorós

One of the main challenges for the development of fuel cells is the generation of new catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) that takes place in the cathode. The most common materials are based on platinum and other noble metals, but they show drawbacks, such as their high cost, low availability and vulnerability to CO-poisoning...

Student Prize: Fe-Catalyzed graphitic carbon materials from biomass resources as anodes for Lithium-ion batteries

pp. 14-15

Aurora Gómez-Martín, Mirco Rutter, Tobias Placke, Julián Martínez-Fernández, Joaquín Ramírez-Rico

The ongoing raising environmental and economic concerns have currently lead the research community to investigate the use of biomass-derived carbons as electrodes for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) with the main aim of sustainability management. However, carbons from the pyrolysis of most biomass resources are considered hard or non-graphitizing...

Student Prize: In situ electron microscopy studies of carbon particulate matter oxidation and filtration

pp. 16-17

Anton D. Sediako, Anthony Bennett, William L. Roberts, Murray J. Thomson

As the global requirements for energy continue to rise, emissions from combustion of fossil fuels have increased as well. When released into the air, carbon particulate matter (PM) is an especially harmful by-product of incomplete combustion as it is harmful to human health and is a major contributor to pollution and climate change...

Conferences sponsors

pp. 18-19

Francisco Heras

Another important aspect related to Carbon 2018 oganization was the collaboration of many companies and organizations as conference sponsors. Carbon2018 organization offered six different sponsorship packages, three including the benefit of to have an exhibition stand during all the congress...

La cara social de Carbon 2018

pp. 20

Juan José Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Gilarranz, Francisco Heras

La motivaciones para asistir a un gran congreso como The World Conference on Carbon son diversas. Un de ellas es sin duda la oportunidad de reunirse con colegas y amigos para fortalecer las relaciones y las colaboraciones. Los descansos entre las sesiones científicas y las actividades sociales juegan un papel muy importante en esta cara social del congreso...

International Summer School on "Carbon and related nanomaterials: Synthesis, characterization and properties"

pp. 21-24

Wolfgang Maser

Del 23 al 27 de Julio de 2018 tuvo lugar en Jaca (Huesca) el curso internacional de verano "Nanomateriales a base de carbón y próximos en estructura: Síntesis, caracterización y estudio de propiedades" que ha sido dirigido por el Dr. Raúl Arenal (INA-LMA-Universidad de Zaragoza) y por el Dr. Wolfgang Maser (Instituto de Carboquímica, ICBCSIC, Zaragoza)...

Workshop "Carbon nano-materials and nano-composites"

pp. 25

Agustín F. Pérez Cadenas

Al finalizar la Carbon 2018, del 7 al 10 de julio se celebró el workshop satélite "CARBON NANOMATERIALS AND NANO-COMPOSITES" en el Palacio de Jabalquinto, Sede Antonio Machado en Baeza de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA), organizado por el Grupo Español de Carbón bajo la dirección de los doctores Agustín F. Pérez Cadenas y Francisco Carrasco Marín...

Página 25 de 74


socios y entidades
protectores   asociadas
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexado por
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SEDE SOCIAL: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • España •