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Boletín número 44 - Junio 2017
pp. 1
René Rangel Méndez, F.J. Maldonado-Hódar
En este volumen del Boletín del Grupo Español del Carbón (BGEC) se incluyen una serie de trabajos de investigación, que junto a los publicados en el volumen anterior del BGEC (Volumen 43/ Marzo 2017), fueron presentados en el Primer Congreso de la Asociación Mexicana de Carbono (AMEXCarb2015), el cual se llevó a cabo del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015 en las instalaciones del Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica A. C. (IPICyT), localizado en San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., México. ...
Covalent functionalization of fullerene C60 bearing fulleren[60]isoxazolines as potential ligands to transition metals.
Funcionalización covalente de fulereno C60 para formar fuleren[60]isoxazolinas como ligantes potenciales a metales de transición
pp. 2-7
A. Hernández-Calva, M. Arroyo, A. Ramírez-Monroy
Abstract: Chemistry and functionalization of fullerene C60 are focused primarily on its remarkable electron acceptor character, leading to the synthesis of a variety of chemically modified fullerenes with functional groups which serve as bridges to coordination and organometallic donor complexes. ...
Antistatic films based on polymer nanocomposites
Novedosas películas antiestáticas a partir de nanocompuestos
pp. 8-9
J. Valdez-Garza, C. Ávila-Orta, V. Cruz-Delgado, P. González-Morones, G. Hurtado-López, M. Waldo-Mendoza, Z. Quiñones-Jurado, J. Pérez-Medina
Abstract: Accumulation of electric charge on a surface is known as static electricity, a common phenomenon in plastics due to its isolating nature. This phenomenon represents a problem in packaging films since the charge can be released in a violent manner or dust particles can be attached to the film decreasing its appearance....
Study and characterization of MWCNT / Nafion interface in the presence of different electrochemical probes
Estudio y caracterización de la interfase MWCNT/Nafión en presencia de diferentes sondas electroquímicas
pp. 10-14
A.A. Arrocha Arcos, M. Miranda Hernández
Abstract: In this paper the optimization of the composition of film electrodes using MWCNT and Nafion is reported. It is shown that the amount of Nafion is important to achieve a stable film. The electrochemical characterization of these electrodes in different electrolytes such as [Fe(CN)6]3-, Ru(NH3)63+ and ascorbic acid (AA) was carried out and the electroactive area was up to four times the geometric area. ...
Bioreactors packed with activated carbon fibers as redox mediators in the anaerobic biotransformation of 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Aminophenol
Bioreactores empacados con fibras de carbón activado como mediadores redox en la biotransformación anaerobia de 4-Nitrofenol hacia 4-Aminofenol
pp. 15-17
H. J. Amezquita-Garcia1, J .R. Rangel-Mendez, F. J. Cervantes, E. Razo-Flores
Abstract: The role of functional groups on the surface of activated carbons is of great interest in biological redox processes because they could improve the rate of biotransformation of toxic compounds and reduce costs of water treatment. In this study, we used activated carbon fibers (ACFs) as biological supports and redox mediators for the continuous biotransformation of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP). ...
One pot synthesis of carbon microspheres decorated with metal nanoparticles
"One pot" síntesis de microesferas de carbono decoradas con nanopartículas metálicas
pp. 18-22
S. Acevedo, J. Arévalo, E. Plaza, Ramos. M, R. Atencio, Rodríguez. A, R. Le Parc
Abstract: The preparation of metal nanoparticles (nickel, cobalt, iron and silver) decorated on the shell of carbon microspheres (CMS) is reported. Through a simple one-pot hydrothermal method using a starch solution, gave MSC (diameter 1–5μm), which consist of a hydrophobic core with a hydrophilic shell due to the presence of oxygen containing functional groups. The samples were characterized with SEM, X-ray, Raman, TGA and FT-IR. ...
Reseña Tesis. Advanced nanostructured carbon materials for electrochemical energy storage devices: Supercapacitors and micro-capacitors
pp. 23-25
S. Leyva-García
Objectives and Novelty: The main objective of the work developed is the synthesis and characterization of advanced nanostructured carbon materials for energy storage applications. Four different topics have been studied: (i) electrochemical hydrogen storage on superporous activated carbons (ACs) ...
Reseña Tesis. Reseña Tesis. CO2 Valorization by electrochemical reduction using catalysts supported on nanostructured carbon materials
pp. 26-28
S. Pérez-Rodríguez
Objectives and Novelty: CO2 reutilization by the electrochemical route is a well-known possibility for the valorization of CO2-rich gas streams, leading to the production of valuable chemicals and fuels. The electrochemical reduction of CO2 has been widely studied on bulk metals suspended in different electrolytes ...
Reseña Tesis. Coal combustion by chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (clou) using cu-based oxygen carriers
pp. 29-31
Iñaki Adánez Rubio
Objectives and Novelty: The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the coal combustion with CO2 capture with a Cubased oxygen carrier in a continuous system with different solid fuels (coals of different rank and biomass). In this case, it is intended to use the capability of CuO to generate gaseous oxygen in contact with fuel at high temperature, according to the process called CLOU (Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling).. ...
Reseña Tesis. Carbon-based catalysts for oxidation and alcohol dehydration reactions
pp. 32-34
M. J. Valero Romero
Objectives and Novelty: Carbon materials have been used for a long time in heterogeneous catalysis since they can act as direct catalysts and they can satisfy most of the desirable properties required for a suitable support. However, the use of carbon materials in catalysis is limited since they would gasify to CO2 (or CO) in the presence of oxygen at relatively low temperatures ...
Reseña Tesis. Photochemical response of nanoporous carbons. Role as catalysts, photoelectrodes and additives to semiconductors
pp. 35-37
Alicia Gomis-Berenguer
Objectives and Novelty: Research related to light energy conversion and storage continues to be a topic at the forefront of technology that is attracting the attention of scientists; particularly, solar light receives a high consideration due to its readily availability. Numerous approaches have been established to improve the photocatalytic activity of semiconductors (photocatalysts) limited by their low photonic efficiency under solar light ...
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