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Boletín número 42 - Diciembre 2016
pp. 1
Vicente Gómez Serrano
En la Universidad de Extremadura (UEx), la investigación en el amplio campo de los materiales carbonosos tuvo su comienzo en los primeros años de la década de los ochenta cuando los Profesores Ángel Linares Solano y Concepción Martínez de Lecea, en el breve periodo de tiempo que permanecieron en esta universidad ...
Preparation, characterization and study of morphology of activated carbon fibers
Preparación, caracterización y estudio morfológico de fibras de carbón activado
pp. 2-6
A. Macías-Garcíaa, M. Alexandre Francob, M. Alfaro Domíngueza, J. Martínez Naharroa, V. Encinas-Sáncheza
Abstract: Using kenaf as starting material, a study about the preparation and characterization of activated carbon fibers (ACFs) from long fibers was carried out. The carbonization products of kenaf fibers and ACFs were texturally characterized by N2 adsorption at -196 ºC, mercury porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy ...
Activated carbons as catalyst in the synthesis of fine chemicals
Carbones activados como catalizadores en la síntesis de productos de alto valor añadido
pp. 7-10
C. J. Durán-Valle, R. C. Carvalho, D. Omenat-Morán, A. B. Botet-Jiménez
Abstract: The group of research Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry, part of the Extremadura System of Science and Technology, was established in 2006 bringing together researchers from various institutions in Extremadura related to research and innovation ...
Adsorción de fenol en disolución acuosa sobre carbones activados obtenidos a partir de huesos de cereza
Adsorption of phenol from aqueous solution by activated carbons derived from cherry stones
pp. 11-15
P.M. Álvarez, J. Jaramillo, V. Gómez-Serrano
Resumen: En este trabajo se han preparado carbones activados mediante activación física (con aire, dióxido de carbono y vapor de agua) a partir de huesos de cereza. Los carbones activados se han caracterizado desde el punto de vista textural (adsorción de nitrógeno a 77 K y porosimetría de mercurio) y químico (grupos superficiales de oxígeno y punto de carga cero) ...
Activated carbons developed in different activation conditions to improve nitrate adsorption performance
pp. 16-21
S. Román, B. Ledesma, M. E. Fernandez, G. V. Nunell, P. R. Bonelli, A. L. Cukierman
Abstract: The suitability of activated carbons (ACs) with dissimilar textural and surface chemistry characteristics was studied for nitrate removal, under different pH conditions. For this task, four ACs were used; two of them were manufactured by chemical and physical steam activation from orange peel and almond shell, while the other two were commercial adsorbents. It was found that both the precursor and activation methodology influence the adsorbents characteristics ...
Preparation of activated carbon-metal (hydr)oxide photocatalysts under different heating conditions. Chemical aspects
Preparación de fotocatalizadores carbón activado-(hydr) oxidos metálicos en diferentes condiciones de calentamiento. Aspectos químicos
pp. 22-26
A. Barroso-Bogeat, M. Alexandre-Franco, C. Fernández-González, V. Gómez-Serrano
Abstract: This study deals with the preparation of activated carbon (AC)-metal (hydr)oxide (MO) photocatalysts from commercial AC and Al3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, SnCl2, TiO2 and WO4 2- in water, with special emphasis on the chemical changes produced along the process. Overall, three series of samples were obtained by first soaking at 80 ºC and oven-drying at 120 ºC (S1) and by subsequent heating at 200 ºC (S2) or 850 ºC (S3) in N2 atmosphere ...
Electrochemically modified carbon materials for applications in electrocatalysis and biosensors
pp. 27-29
C. González-Gaitán
Objectives and Novelty: The present work focused in the functionalization of nanostructured carbon materials for their application as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction at the cathode of fuel cells and as transducer elements in electrochemical biosensors ...
Doped carbon material electrodes for energy applications
pp. 30-31
A.C. Ramírez-Pérez
Objectives and Novelty: Carbon materials have many advantages such as lightweight, chemical stability, electrical conductivity and both porosity and surface chemistry that can be tailored. These materials play an important role in devices for generation and storage of energy, like fuel cells and supercapacitors ...
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