Grupo Español del Carbon - GEC
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 Existen 74 boletines.

Boletín número 40 - Junio 2016


pp. 2

Ana Sofia Mestre - Margarida Galhetas - Marta Amaral Andrade

The fruitful relation between the Spanish and Portuguese scientific communities working in the field of carbon materials is a well-established reality. As part of a younger generation of researchers in the field of carbon materials, we were very honoured to receive the invitation of Professor F. Maldonado to be Invited Editors of this 40th issue of the Boletín del Grupo Español del Carbón ...


Carbon Nanomaterials-based modified electrodes for Electrocatalysis
Electrodos modificados con base en Nanomateriales de Carbono para Electrocatálisis

pp. 9-12

D. M. Fernandes, M. Nunes, M. P. Araújo

Abstract: Since their discovery, carbon nanomaterials have been attracting considerable experimental and theoretical interest because of their unique structures and properties which make them suitable and very attractive for a great number of applications in several research fields. Additionally, the possibility of chemical modification/functionalization broadens their utility and gives rise to favourable electrocatalytic properties with regard to several electrochemical processes ...


Carbon aerogels used in carbon dioxide capture
Aerogeles de carbono utilizados en la captura de dióxido de carbono

pp. 9-12

L.M. Marque*, P.J.M. Carrott, M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott

Abstract: In this work the maximum carbon dioxide adsorption capacity of carbon aerogels, obtained by a sol-gel process using 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid/formaldehyde (DHBAF) and resorcinol/formaldehyde (RF) as precursors, was studied. The effect of increasing the temperature of carbonization and physical activation of the samples DHBAF was also studied. ...


MUsing activated carbon based technologies for the removal of emerging contaminants from water/wastewater – UQTA (LNEC) Projects
El uso de tecnologias basadas en carbón activo para la eliminación de contaminantes emergentes de aguas/aguas residuales – Proyectos UQTA (LNEC)

pp. 13-17

M. Campinas, E. Mesquita, R.M.C. Viegas, M.J. Rosa

Abstract: An overview is presented on the projects that are being carried out by Water Quality and Treatment Laboratory team of LNEC which uses activated carbon based technologies for treating water or wastewater. Emphasis is given to the chemical enhancement of conventional wastewater treatment using "green" powdered activated carbon options, hybrid adsorption/ membrane processes or biologically active carbon (BAC) filtration which are considered promising options for upgrading the water/wastewater treatment plants for controlling emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides and cyanotoxins. ...


Critical discussion on activated carbons from bio - wastes - environmental risk assessment
Un análisis crítico del uso de carbones activados obtenidos a partir de bioresiduos – evaluación de riesgos medioambientales

pp. 18-21

M. Bernardo, N. Lapa, I. Matos, I. Fonseca

Abstract: The use of bio-wastes as precursor materials to prepare porous activated carbons have gained much attention in recent years, mainly due to their abundancy and low cost. Particularly, it has been registered an increasing interest in these waste-derived materials for environmental applications, particularly as adsorbents for water treatment ...


Micropore size distribution of activated carbons: a key factor for a deeper understanding of the adsorption mechanism of pharmaceuticals
Distribución de tamaño de microporos en carbones activados: un factor clave para una comprensión más profunda del mecanismo de adsorción de productos farmacéuticos

pp. 22-27

A. S. Mestre, M. Galhetas, M. A. Andrade

Abstract: The elucidation of the pore structure of activated carbons requires complementary adsorption data and is of fundamental importance for the comprehension of the adsorption mechanism of organic molecules, as is the case of pharmaceutical compounds. The present work reports studies developed in the Adsorption and Adsorbent Materials Group highlighting the contribution of the micropore size distribution (MPSD), obtained from the fitting of CO2 adsorption data, for the deeper understanding of kinetic and equilibrium adsorption data of pharmaceutical compounds with distinct dimensions and behaviours in solution ...


When carbon meets light: synergistic effect between carbon nanomaterials and metal oxide semiconductors for photocatalytic applications
Cuando el carbón conoce la luz: efecto sinérgico entre nanomateriales de carbón y semiconductores de óxidos metálicos para aplicaciones fotocatalíticas

pp. 28-35

C. G. Silva, L. M. Pastrana-Martinez, S. Morales-Torres

Abstract: Activated carbon based materials and more recently, nanostructured carbon materials namely, fullerenes, nanotubes, nanodiamonds and graphene, have been the focus of intensive research for application in nanotechnology. In the field of photocatalysis, carbon materials have been combined with conventional semiconductors as carbon/inorganic composites seeking for synergies resulting from the coupling of both phases ...


Development of carbon materials as metal catalyst supports and metal-free catalysts for catalytic reduction of ions and advanced oxidation processes
Desarrollo de materiales de carbono como soporte de catalizadores metálicos o catalizadores libres de metal para la reducción catalítica de iones o procesos de oxidación avanzada

pp. 36-41

O. Salomé, G. P. Soares

Abstract: The versatility of carbon materials as metal supports as well as metal-free catalysts for environmental applications is presented, highlighting some of the work carried out at the Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LCM), which focuses on carbon materials and catalysis as its main research areas ...


Functional Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Energy Storage: Towards Smart Textile Supercapacitors
Nanomateriales basados en carbones funcionalizados para almacenamiento de energía. Hacia supercapacitadores de tejidos inteligentes

pp. 42-48

C. Pereira and A. M. Pereira

Abstract: Hybrid supercapacitors emerged as an eco-friendly technology to address the grand challenge of sustainable and efficient energy storage. Functional carbon-based nanomaterials are promising building blocks for the design of advanced electrodes for this type of supercapacitors ...


RESEÑA: Biogas valorisation through catalytic decomposition to produce synthesis gas and carbon nanofibres

pp. 49-50

S. de Llobet Cucalón Presented in 2015

Objectives and Novelty: Traditionally, biogas has been considered a non-value by-product which was generally burned in flares. Most recently, different alternatives for biogas utilization have been proposed such as heat, electricity or biomethane production. However, from an economical point of view, the aforementioned applications depend on government feed in tariff and therefore renewable energy producers face an unstable scenario ...


Página 35 de 74


socios y entidades
protectores   asociadas
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexado por
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SEDE SOCIAL: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • España •